Tutor Teams 2022/2023

Dear parents and carers, 

I am writing today to inform you of the structure of our pastoral team and tutor teams from September 2022.

Our pastoral team consists of 5 Year Leaders, 3 Assistant Year Leaders, a behavioural support assistant, a pastoral administrator, an inclusion support assistant, our ELSA and our school counsellor. We also have our Flexible Learning Lead and our Alternative Provision/Work Related Learning lead. It is an exceptional team and we work alongside our curriculum colleagues and wider school staff to ensure that our students are offered the best possible pastoral care for each and every individual child.

To confirm our pastoral and tutor teams for the academic year 2022 – 2023:

  • Year Leader 7: Mrs K Martin and Miss L Ebblewhite
  • Year Leader 8: Mr S Wilkinson
  • Year Leader 9: Mrs H Way
  • Year Leader 10: Mr O Marsh
  • Year Leader 11: Miss K Rawlinson


  • Assistant Year Leader 7: Mrs J French 
  • Assistant Year Leader 8 and 9: Mrs M Wyse
  • Assistant Year Leader 10 and 11: Miss L Fitzgerald 


Each of  the Year Groups is supported by a member of the Senior Leadership Team 

  • Year 7 and 8 - Mrs H Loveday 
  • Year 9 and 10 - Mr D Rowling 
  • Year 11 - Mr D Crowley 


Tutor teams: 

7A1 JSk - RHo

Miss J Skinner and Mrs R Hobbs


Mrs Z Ayoub and Mrs F Bragg

7D1 JBr - LMu

Mrs J Brown and Miss L Munro


Mr J Chilton

7K1 PHr

Mr P Rhodes

7K2 DFr

Miss D Fricker

7W1 ACo

Mr A Cox

7W2 MGu

Mrs M Guppy

8A1 CWh

Mrs C White

8A2 MWo

Mr M Wooster

8D1 HSh

Dr H Shaw

8D2 TMa

Mrs T Maughan

8K1 EGr

Miss E Greenslade

8K2 CBl – WBu

Mrs C Blower and Mrs W Burnston

8W1 EKi

Miss E King

8W2 SCo

Miss S Costa

9A1 OCh

Mr O Cambell-Hill


Mrs Z Hockings

9D1 PSm

Mrs P Smith

9D2 SPi – FW

Mr S Pike and Mrs F Western

9K1 HPi

Miss H Pidgley

9K2 LMc

Miss L McEntee

9W1 JHi

Miss J Hill

9W2 NDo

Mrs N Dossett

10A1 LWo – Aco

Mrs L Woods and Mr A Copland

10A2 SGr

Mrs S Groom

10D1 Mab

Mr M Abbott

10D2 SWa

Mr S Watkins 

10K1 HMc

Miss H McNab

10K2 KDa KDp

Mrs K Davies and Mrs K Du Prez

10W1 MTo

Miss M Towsey

10W2 TSh

Mr T Shearsmith

11A1 AMa

Mrs A Mansbridge

11A2 RHa

Mrs R Harrison

11D1 SFr

Mrs S Fry

11D2 NSu LFa

Mrs N Sullivan and Dr L Fairless

11K1 DSl

Mrs D Slater and Miss K Conti

11K2 JEl KCo

Mrs J Eldridge and Mrs K Conti

11W1 JCL KCo

Miss J Clews and Mrs K Conti

11W2 JSt LMu

Mr J Stone and Miss L Munro

We are very excited to be welcoming new colleagues to our team:

  • Mrs Wyse – Assistant Year Leader for 8 and 9
  • Miss J Skinner, Mrs R Hobbs, Miss D Fricker, Miss F Western and Mrs K Conti to our tutor teams.

We are also welcoming back Mrs K Martin following her maternity leave. She is joined in the leadership of our new Year 7 cohort by Miss Ebblewhite.

We wish to formally say goodbye to our current Year Leader for 8, Mrs H Smoker. We wish you every success as you begin your new adventure and thank you for your work and commitment to the Year 8 students and their families this year.

A reminder that your child’s tutor is your first and main contact for any questions, worries, concerns or queries. We really encourage and promote an open dialogue between school and home. The relationship between tutor and student and their wider families is crucial in supporting their well-being and development.

Wishing all of our Noadswood family a restful and enjoyable summer break when it arrives.

Kind regards

Helen Loveday

Assistant Headteacher