Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your support with our emergency closure today, we realise this would have caused some disruption for many of you. Our most recent update has confirmed that the site will continue to be without gas tomorrow, Tuesday 24th January. Therefore, tomorrow, we are asking that all students engage with us via live lessons which will be delivered via Microsoft Teams.
We have made the decision to close the school site tomorrow due to the continuing very cold temperatures and the fact that the heating has not been on in school since the early hours of Monday morning, so there is no residual heat pumping out any longer. We will also continue to be without hot water and will have limited access to hot meals.
You will receive a separate communication this evening with instructions for students on how to access their live lessons and the times that these will be scheduled for.
If you feel that your child/children are unable to study safely at home tomorrow, we have limited spaces where children are able to be kept warmer and given access to their live learning. Should you need to use this facility, please contact us this evening via with your child/children's names and we will provide you then with all further details about accessing the site.
If you decide that your child/children need this onsite provision, just a note in terms of clothing: we would recommend their usual school clothes, or plain black trousers if they usually wear a skirt and will be warmer in trousers, plus lots of layers! Additional jumpers, scarves and jackets will be the win - the principle here is to stay warm. If you are in receipt of Free School Meals and need this provision, please also email and a packed lunch will be available for collection.
We will let you know in the course of the late morning/early afternoon tomorrow the plan for Wednesday once we have a further update from the company tasked with supporting us to get this issue resolved as quickly as humanly possible.
With all best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team