Pastoral care is at the heart of our school ethos. We work hard to ensure children are always supported and feel happy and confident in their environment.
The House System encourages a sense of family and belonging with older students supporting and encouraging younger students in all aspects of school life. Every member of the school community is a member of one of the four houses named after enclosures in the New Forest.
It is also a vehicle for developing leadership skills in our young people.The Houses make up the ethos of our school, and there are close links to our Year Teams. They are supported by a student team of prefects led by a House Captain who together play an important role in shaping the ethos of their House. All students are encouraged to be valued members of their House through active participation in the life of the school.
Healthy competition is encouraged and inter-house competitions take place across a range of sports as well as across curriculum areas.
We are extremely proud of our House Captains, Sports Captains and Prefects who are chosen following a rigorous selection procedure. In order to achieve prefect status, students must demonstrate the personal qualities and high standards required of this ambassadorial role alongside a record of active and positive contributions to the school community.


