Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Department
At Noadswood, we pride ourselves on welcoming all students into our care. Our students are offered a broad balanced and relevant curriculum which is appropriate to their needs and ambitions as individuals. The delivery of such a curriculum is a whole school responsibility for all our students. An excellent partnership with parents and carers will always be sought as their role is equally vital in supporting their child’s education. All our students are valued equally, their views are sought and taken into account, when advice is provided to them by the SENDCO or other key workers.
We are resolute in striving to close the attainment gap between SEND students and other students, and work with relevant local and national experts in the production of an SEND Strategic Plan with clear objectives to help us to do this, in the aftermath of the Pandemic.
The policy is reviewed annually and reported on to the Board of Trustees and should be read alongside our Accessibility Plan, our School’s SEN Information on our website and other school policies dealing with Behaviour, Teaching and Learning (including Assessment), Child Protection, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Bullying.
Four of our important principles in developing and maintaining an inclusive curriculum and equality of opportunity alongside effective support for everyone are:
- We strive to give every student the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve high standards for themselves, with the right support around them to help overcome barriers.
- We respond to students’ diverse learning needs: We take into account differing experiences, interests and strengths which influence the way in which students learn when we plan our approaches to their learning and teaching and our interventions to support them – we do our all to bespoke this to the individual.
- We work to overcome potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of students: We recognise that some have particular learning and assessment requirements that will create barriers to learning if they are not addressed appropriately through a variety of special arrangements.
- We will ensure that the provision for students with Education, Health Care Plans is appropriate and regularly reviewed, and that it enables them to develop their academic potential, interests, enjoyment of school and aptitudes well supported by the quality of our provision.
You can read our whole policy and information report from our policies page (click here)
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is Liz Hyland.
Please visit our SEND Frequently Asked Questions page which has a wide range of questions, and if you require any further information please do get in contact with us.

Every student at Noadswood has the opportunity to follow all National Curriculum subjects and subsequently follow an appropriate GCSE Curriculum Pathway.
The range of subjects we are able to offer and the individual mentoring of some SEND students, allows all students to access the right options/pathways for them.
As a school we are particularly proud of our specialism in sport and the inclusion of all students in SEND in this area. Since 1998 Noadswood has a resource of provision for disabled students. There is a whole school commitment to narrowing the attainment gap between students with SEND and those who have not. This may include short-term interventions to deliver learning programmes and longer-term interventions developed on an individual needs basis. In addition, some home-school interventions may be appropriate.
Attendance is in line with the national average and we are committed to improving upon this with our families and our students are keen to be part of a high quality learning environment.
If your child has a disability or learning difficulty and would like to know more about what we offer at Noadswood please contact us on:
Tel: 023 8084 0025
Email: info@noadswood.hants.sch.uk
For more information on particular aspects of our SEND offer, please click on the links below:
Does my child have a disability?
Teaching, learning and assessment
Teaching and learning for identified students
Pastoral support and guidance
How we create an individual SEND plan
Achievement Support
Special Educational Provisions
The Role of Learning Support Assistants
Does attendance matter?
Special fire procedures for certain SEND students