SEND Agencies

Links with Outside Organisations

Noadswood works in a collaborative way with many different agencies. This means that a supportive plan can be developed to meet your child’s needs both in and out of school.

Regular meetings to plan, monitor, implement and review with outside agencies are held as frequently as necessary to support the student.

Sometimes these meetings are known as Team Around the Child (TAC) because that is what they are – a meeting to bring parents and children together with other agencies to devise and plan to support your child.

Occasionally we will use the Common Assessment Form (CAF) to record information you provide about your child, this will provide a baseline to develop a multi-agency planned approach to addressing the SEND of your child.

Listed below are some of the outside agencies we work with collaboratively.

Hampshire Special Educational Needs Team
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Visual Impairment Service
Hearing Impairment Service
Teacher Adviser Service for Physical Disabilities
Communication Language Service
Educational Psychology (EPs)
Occupational Therapists