
Black v-neck jumper with Noadswood logo and/or black Noadswood blazer
All students have the option to wear either/or the black v-neck jumper with Noadswood logo, or a black blazer with the Noadswood logo on the pocket. Students may also choose to wear both the jumper and blazer. No hoodies or zip up jumpers to be worn.
You can either purchase these directly from Skoolkit, or alternatively from high street retailers and collect an iron on badge for free from reception (will be in stock shortly, we’ll update when they are available)
Plain white shirt
Plain white shirt with a collar and either short or long sleeved. No t-shirts.
Noadswood school tie with the coloured stripes of your House (prefects may wear the Noadswood prefect tie)
Black trousers
Plain black, tailored trousers. No jeans, leggings, tracksuit or corded type trousers.
If you choose to wear a skirt, our preference would be for you to wear the Noadswood school skirt, which is available from Skoolkit and is embroidered with the Noadswood badge. As an alternative option, you can also purchase a similar style skirt from any highstreet retailer in black and then collect a badge from the school office that can be ironed on to it. Skirts should be worn ideally at just above the knee, and never any higher than mid-thigh.
Black tailored shorts can be worn throughout the year.
Socks must be white or black and a matching pair, to be worn below the knee. Tights must be plain in black with no patterns.
Shoes are permitted only if they are completely black, including the soles, logo, laces and trim. Shoes should be in a leather type finish, not canvas/plimsoll material.
Our preference is that shoes should fully enclose the foot (no sandals, flip flops, open toes or backless styles allowed for health and safety reasons). Footwear should not be a boot, platform style or have a high heel.
If there is a medical reason as to why a student is unable to wear school shoes, parents must contact your child’s Year Leader, giving the reason and the expected date on which their child will be back in full uniform. If you require financial support please to contact our Pastoral Team.

Outer coat
Coats to be worn on top of the school blazer. No denim jackets, leather coats or sport jumpers / hoodies.
PE Specific Uniform
Winter/Outside: School rugby shirt, plain black shorts, knee-length red socks, and training shoes/boots

Summer/Inside: Black polo shirt with the Noadswood badge. Black shorts, White socks, Trainers.

* Don’t worry if you have our older style white PE tops, these are fine too! Whilst they will no longer be available through Skoolkit, we have plenty in our second hand sale.
Optional extras - School ¼ zip from Skoolkit, black leggings, skort, Mouthguard for hockey and rugby lessons.
The infographic below will hopefully help with regards to the footwear for PE. We ask parents to purchase boots that are suitable for our astro AND field. Please use the image below as a visual reference.

There are three options for polo tops that cater for a range of budgets:
- Branded PE polo tops from Skoolkit, which will be in black with house colour sides
- You can buy a plain black polo from your choice of high street supplier and collect a free house badge to iron on
- Don’t worry if you have our normal white PE tops, these are fine too! Whilst they will no longer be available through Skoolkit, we have plenty in our second hand sale

No jewellery other than a pair of small stud earrings. Hoop earrings, ‘drop’ earrings, necklaces and bracelets are not permitted for health and safety reasons. Where a student has a piercing not in line with the school policy, they will be expected to remove it or wear a small clear plastic retainer. A wrist watch or medical alert can be worn. No other piercings are permitted.
Discreet make-up may be worn by students in Year 10 and 11 only. Nail varnish and acrylic nails should not be worn by any student.
Students are expected to maintain their hair at a suitable length and style i.e. no shorter than grade 2 and no tramlines. If hair is dyed, colours should be restricted to those found in natural hair.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that you will also need to bring your own stationery equipment. Students will be lent equipment if they forget items, but continued missing equipment will result in a sanction.
We ask that you bring your own:
- Pen x2
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Sharpener
- Ruler
- Scientific calculator
We also recommend that you bring your own glue stick and small pair of scissors. Subject departments will have a small number of these items which can be used in classrooms but if you are able to bring your own, this will be really helpful.
ILS provides lockers for Noadswood School students. The lockers are owned by ILS and are available for students to rent on an annual basis. Rental costs are £45 per year allowing use from September through to July.
Please note all bookings terminate at the end of the school year in July. We apologise but there is no discount for lockers booked late in the year.
The locker size is as follows:
Height: 595mm
Width: 300mm
Depth: 450mm
More information about how to secure a locker will follow in the moving up information that you will receive after school places have been confirmed.
Please note we are a separate entity from the school and all dealings will be directly with ourselves.