Attitudinal Information
The Data Reports produced consist of three teacher inputs:
- Effort
- Behaviour
- Independent Learning (encompassing homework / revision undertaken / reading around the subject etc...)
The attitudinal data is graded with the following criteria:

Academic Information
The reports include:
- Target Grade - a grade given to the student based on their FFT projection (please see our FFT webpage for more information about how these grades are calculated)
- Projected Grade - the likely final grade the student will achieve at the end of Year 11 if they continue on their current trajectory of study and attainment
- Attained Results - any early-entry qualifications with have been completed and certificated
The reports also include the class identifier for the subject (many Key Stage 4 classes have shared teachers). If any attitudinal or academic fields on your child’s report are blank this may be because your child has not been present for long enough for an accurate assessment to have been made by the class teacher or the teacher has a specific reason for leaving it empty. If you or your child are in any doubt as to why this may be, please contact the teacher or Team Leader via our contact page (click link).

We know that how students approach their studies with a specific set of behaviours, skills and attitudes has a significant impact on academic achievement and that this can change over time. Therefore, target grades are in place to give you a guide to where we might expect your child to be. If Alfie is below expected progress in a subject area, teachers, Team Leaders and Year Leaders will be looking at how we can best support them.
Assessment Grade Levels
The report will contain different grade levels, as outlined below:
These are graded from 9 (highest) to 1 (lowest) including a U (unclassified) grade
BTEC and Cambridge Nationals
These are graded from Level 2 Distinction* (highest) to Level 1 Pass including a U (unclassified) grade
The Free Standing Mathematics Qualification (additional mathematics) is graded A (highest) to E (lowest) including a U (unclassified) grade

Star and Wish (Published for Report 2 and 3)
Each Star Wish report contains a synopsis of what is currently being studied as well as a star and wish comment, written by their subject teacher, pertinent to what your child is currently studying. This star and wish will give you an indication of how they are getting on and what they can do to embed their learning / enrich it / improve it. We very much hope that these comments will be of genuine benefit to the students, as well as to parents and carers in assisting with their learning and progression within the subject. Subject teachers and Team Leaders will also identify if, from their perspective, students need to attend the virtual subject event for the year (for more information about the events, please click here). These requests are only a guide, and if you wish to speak to all subjects then you are most welcome to book to see all.

Pastoral Information
All pastoral information can be found using Arbor via the app or computer – this will include the most up-to-date information about positive points, negative points (including interventions) and attendance. At Noadswood we strive for an attendance figure of 97%+, knowing how much of an impact missed school days have on the overall outcomes for students (as overall absence levels increase, the final outcomes for students by time they reach their GCSE examinations decreases – click for the DfE report).