Dear Parents and Guardians,
With the extreme temperature warning being forecast over the weekend and into Monday and Tuesday, we will be making some updates to the structure of our day (including changing the Sports Day timings).
On Monday and Tuesday of next week the school day timings will change to:
- 8.40am - lesson 1 (arrival at school and head straight to lesson 1 where you will be registered)
- 9.40am - lesson 2
- 10.40am - break
- 11.00am - lesson 3
- 12.00pm - lesson 4
- 1.00pm - end of the school day
This structure will allow the first four lessons of the day to run as normal, whilst mitigating against the very high temperatures both outside and within the classroom. Each year will still have one lesson partaking in Sports Day specific events, but this will be reduced to under an hour outside (please can we remind students to bring suncream / a hat / water bottles). Home learning tasks will be set, via FROG in our usual way, for students to complete upon arriving home.
For any students unable to leave at 1.00pm, we will have a supervision room in one of our cooler rooms on site until 3.00pm (if you require your child to stay, please do just get in contact with your child's Year Leader).
The whole school Sports Day celebration will move from Tuesday lesson 5 as originally scheduled to Wednesday lesson 5 when the temperatures are forecast to be more suitable.

Finally, as a reminder, on Thursday students finish at 12.15pm and Friday is a school INSET day.
Wishing you our best,