Dear Noadswood Parents and Carers,
We're really aware financially how difficult times are for many families. We will always do our very best to support our community as much as we can, and as such we've made this quick form for parents / guardians to complete if hardship is upon you.
Your details WILL NOT be shared outside of the pastoral team at Noadswood who are the main point of support, but we wanted to give you an easy way to inform us of any hardships so we can try and support where we can.
You don't need to give any explanations of the hardship you're suffering - only some basic details such as your name, a contact method and a category of where the support can be best placed.
Over the last year we have been lucky enough to receive donations and source community vouchers, covering local supermarkets and school uniform support - there has been a high demand for this, and we'll continue to try and support through schemes like this for as many families as possible.
Please do complete this form, using the link below, if you and your child are in need, and we will do what we can for as many families as possible.

All our best,