Dear Parent/ Carer,
I am writing to you regarding your child’s Modern Foreign Language provision at Noadswood.
This year, your child is studying two Modern Foreign Languages, whether that is French (first foreign language) and German (second foreign language) or German (first foreign language) and Spanish (second foreign language). The benefit of this is providing your child with knowledge of an additional foreign language from a different language route, French and Spanish being romance languages and German being a Germanic one, where similarities and differences between how language works compliment their knowledge of their first foreign language, as well as their own language.
Moving forwards into year 9 we would like to offer your child preference in Modern Foreign Languages, so that they can either continue with both of the languages they are currently studying, or they can elect to continue with just one of the two they are learning this year.
If your child chooses to continue with two foreign languages, they will have four periods a fortnight of each language. If they continue with one, they will have four periods a fortnight of that language. The benefit of studying one foreign language in year 9 will be that your child will no longer be splitting their time, but will now be focussing on the language they will study at GCSE.
Please can you discuss the above options with your child.
Once a decision has been reached, please could you complete the form, linked below, by Friday 1st July 2022.

As with all options, what we will be able to offer will depend on numbers of pupils for each option available.
I look forward to receiving your preference for your child for year 9.
Kind regards,
Mrs Z. Hockings
Curriculum Manager for Modern Foreign Languages