Dear Parents and Carers,
Noadswood and Inspire Learning Partnership Trustees' Parent/Carer Forum re the potential of coming together: Monday March 20th 2023 5.30pm in Noadswood's Hall
As you may remember, from our communications to you and our Parent Forum held in our Library in May 2022, Noadswood's Leadership Team and Board of Trustees have been considering closely options for becoming part of a local Multi-Academy Trust.
This has been motivated by what we believe in at our school about the power of collaboration for the educational and wellbeing outcomes for our young people across the Waterside.
Trustees from Noadswood and Inspire Learning Partnership would now like to invite you to meet with them so that they can put to you their vision for coming together in this way.
They will communicate with you their shared narrative and exploring of one another's work to date and how they believe this particular partnership will enhance educational opportunities for the children in the Waterside, my and our sole motivation for considering this sort of collaborative venture in the first place.
There is no other local Multi-Academy Trust on the Waterside at the present time, nor yet any other schools wanting, right now, to move in this direction, and so our explorations haven't been able to take us in other directions as we had wondered.
We believe, though, that Noadswood can join this Trust to become partners that mutually enhance and influence one another, and that we can learn from and be enhanced by each other's experience. We will also, together, provide evidence of how well strong, respectful partnership can work.
We will do this whilst continuing to collaborate with all our other local friends exactly as we do now, and with all that's important about Noadswood now remaining importantly intact - who's to say how the other partnerships will also go on to develop in the future?
At the meeting, as well as pitching their vision to you, representatives of the Trust Boards will also share with you the FAQs document we created before and have added to, following meetings representatives of our board and I held with some of you before. They will also provide you with the opportunity to ask questions which they will either answer themselves or note to go away and explore, or both.
I will be there to meet and greet you as you arrive, and then I'll hand the forum to Daniel Rowling, Assistant Headteacher, to oversee for the Trustees and yourselves.
I have decided to offer you this opportunity to hear from those who provide vital and objective stewardship of both Trusts as an important part of our consultation and due diligence processes. Who better, as well, to provide reassurance that no stones are being left unturned here, than the people with whom accountability rests every bit as much as it does with me and with the CEO at ILP?
After this forum, there will be further opportunities for you to meet myself and our leadership team again in smaller parent forums for you to raise not only your questions but your ideas to enhance this collaboration, as well as to protect and enhance the Noadswood key values, brand and experience that we all care about so deeply. I could not care more about this and you are key to it. Dates to follow for these forums....
For now, our Trustees look forward to you joining them at this meeting, to explore with them their vision, the opportunities they are keen to describe to you and their experience so far of the journey towards potential change: we believe that's the transparency you deserve, and our children deserve. They understand the importance of this for us all, and they are equal to the inevitable challenges of change management, as much as they are excited by the opportunities ahead.
If you'd like to join them, please let us know by completing the form below:

With best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team