Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you once again for your continued support and patience as we have worked to resolve the challenges facing us this week with respect to our gas supply. We now know there is a need to undertake some key work to a part of the gas supply located underneath the technology building - this work is scheduled to take place tomorrow morning, Wednesday 25th January.
Due to the continued cold temperatures, along with no central heating or hot water and limited ability to provide hot meals, we have therefore planned for a further partial closure on Wednesday 25th January.
School site will be open to ALL students on Wednesday 25th January but with their 5 scheduled lessons running from 8.40am through until 12.30pm.
Students should attend their scheduled period 1 lesson at 8.40am.
Each lesson will run for 40 minutes in the same order as their normal timetabled day.
All students will have a 30-minute break throughout the course of the day where they will be able to purchase hot snacks and cold food, should they wish.
Students will be dismissed from school at 12.30pm and we ask that they sensibly and safely make their way home, as they did brilliantly well on Monday.
All students are expected to attend in their usual school clothes, perhaps wearing plain black trousers (not necessarily school ones on this occasion) if they usually wear a skirt for warmth's sake, with the addition of extra layers including jumpers and coats. Keeping warm is key.
Should your child/children be unable to be safely at home during the afternoon of Wednesday 25th January, please email, and we will be pleased to accommodate them here.
It is our intention based on the information currently shared with us by the company carrying out the repair work to have school fully opened from Thursday 26th January. Obviously if there are any changes to be made to this, we will let you know with all speed during the day on Wednesday 25th January.
We are mindful of the need to write further to you shortly with respect to the industrial action planned by the National Education Union, the first day of which we have been advised is Wednesday February 1st. Like other local schools, we are gauging the impact for Noadswood of this industrial action and will communicate with you about this on Thursday at the latest.
Therefore, we want to keep the site open, and all parts of our education offer going to the maximum possible - safely - as we resolve this extremely frustrating gas issue this week.
With all best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team