Planned Student Protests

Dear Noadswood family, 

We are writing to you all today, students and families alike, to ask for your support and co-operation regarding some upcoming planned student protests that are currently being discussed on various Noadswood Tik-Tok accounts. (A reminder for all, Noadswood does not have a Tik-Tok account and so any accounts associated with Noadswood are completely unofficial). 
You may have seen details of this social media trend across the news this week. Students across the UK are being encouraged to conduct spontaneous large protests regarding school rules. The press is reporting students feeling unhappy due to sudden changes around school uniform rules and access to the toilets. Just to be clear for everyone, we haven't made any changes to our uniform or toilet rules! 
We know that a small minority of our students have been discussing a planned protest towards the end of next week, most likely in response to calls of disruption via various social media accounts. 
We absolutely believe that we should address this issue in the same manner and tone as all other concerns raised to us - with kindness, transparency and the willingness (and want!) to engage in open and honest discussions with students and parents/carers. 
Students: If you are feeling that our rules around uniform (or anything else!) are unfair or unreasonable then we would ask that you discuss these with us in a way that enables us to hear you. Standing still on the spot and refusing to speak to us is going to make that a little tricky. 
We are so proud of our various channels of communication here at Noadswood. Whether that be chatting to your tutor, your Year Leader, the pastoral team or any member of staff, right through to and including Miss Marshall.  
We also have a fabulous Head Students team who regularly meet with, and we have great discussions regarding all areas of Noadswood life - they challenge us about policies they don't think are landing well all the time. Any of these people would love to hear from you regarding anything you are worried or unhappy about. 
Mrs Loveday will be available in the ELSA room on Tuesday 7th March, after school for any student who wishes to come and talk through any of the things that are bothering you. Mr Rowling will also be happy to meet any of you who is in support of the issues with this protest on Wednesday 8th March after school in S21/Learning Reset. 
We would actively encourage you to use this opportunity and express your right to have your voice heard in a safe, appropriate and responsible manner, and in a way that lets us really engage with what you want us to know. 
They will liaise with Miss Marshall and we will keep listening and communicating, all together, as we should within our community. 

As you know, some of your teachers have been striking this week, with various other professions such as the NHS and National Rail workers, also using a strike as a way of having their voice heard. 
What is important to remember though, is that these strikes have happened after many discussions back and forth between workers and their unions, and the Government, with letters of intent written and with all other options exhausted. 
We don't feel like we've run out of options for hearing you and your opinions and so would ask that you come and talk to us rather than taking part in potentially unsafe behaviour which will affect the wider school community and won't get your message across particularly effectively either. 
Some of you have spoken to us to express concern around disruption to your lesson on the day, as well as what might happen, should this protest go ahead. As we regularly remind you, we must be able to run the school site safely and we expect no different across the coming days. All students should behave in a way that ensures everyone is safe and able to go about their normal school day. 
Come and see us to raise the issues of concern in the ways outlined above. 
Parents/Carers: Please do discuss this with your child/ren and encourage them to come and talk with any of the staff or meet with Mrs Loveday on Tuesday or Mr Rowling on Wednesday after school.
It is our belief, as it always has been, that we need to our students to feel safe, enjoy school and feel valued. We can only live out these values, when issues emerge, as always they will, if our students come and talk to us. 
Many thanks, 
Noadswood Leadership Team