March 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
Expression of Interest – Yr 11 School Leavers Prom – Wednesday 29th June 2022

We would like to invite your child to the annual Year 11 School Leavers Prom. The Prom has always been an amazing event that students and staff enjoy and we don’t expect this year to be any different. It is a chance to celebrate together the completion of their exams and bring their secondary school experience to a fitting close.
The prom will take place on Wednesday 29th June 2022 at MacDonald Elmers Court Hotel and Resort in Lymington. The exact time of the event is yet to be confirmed; however, it will take place in the evening.
Included in the price the students will have an arrival drink, a buffet style BBQ and an ice cream. We will also have a professional photographer for the evening who will capture both formal and informal photos and these will be available to the students via a secure online platform after the event has taken place. The students will also have access to a DJ and dance floor as well as the spacious gardens at Elmers Court.
Please note that travel to and from the Prom is not included.
Depending on the number of pupils taking part, the cost of this event will be approximately £35, payable in two instalments, due at the end of March and the end of April. In the first instance, please confirm whether your child would like to attend by completing the ePraise form included with this message. Once we have final numbers, we will confirm the exact amount to you.
As we are now a cashless school payment will need to be made online. If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, there is financial assistance available – please contact our Finance Manager, Mrs Drabble, to discuss options available to you using this email address We are also working on some fundraising ideas, the proceeds of which could be used to reduce the cost and add extra some extra flourishes. More details to follow.
It should be noted that this event is by invitation. We are sure this will not arise but we must flag that should any serious concerns regarding your child’s behaviour emerge during their remaining time at school, it could be necessary to withdraw the invite. It should also be noted that if your child conducts themselves inappropriately during the event itself, they may be asked to leave. If this were to happen they would need to be collected from the venue, and we would make contact with you to ensure this is done in a timely way.
We would love to see as many of the year group as possible at this event and would encourage them to join in with what is sure to be a wonderful and memorable evening.
If you have any queries about this event, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully

Mrs H Way – Year 11 Leader