Dear Parents and Carers,
Hugest and sincerest thanks to all the students and to all of you for your support over the past few days, as we have sought to resolve the issues with our gas supply and to restore heating and hot water to the site following the work that has had to be done.
We know there have been various views around early closure versus remote live learning - we have articulated most of those various views to each other as we grappled with options for today!
We were keen today to open the site to as many children as possible, whilst supporting you if you did not feel happy to send your child in until the heating was restored. We know that being on site together is of vital importance, as much as live lessons on Teams go well for many of our students.
One of those where it was tough - if not impossible - to please everyone, but we have been ever so thankful for your comments and support.
The good news is the gas leak has been fully purged, capped off and made completely safe according to all our Health and Safety Policies, and the heating and hot water are already restored to most of our site, and will be to all of it by tomorrow morning.
Therefore, it is business as usual from tomorrow morning, with the site all systems go in every way. We look forward to seeing your children in school tomorrow morning, in usual school clothes, ready for a full day.
I would like to end by thanking our Premises Manager and our friends at our Maintenance Company, Corrigenda, for their hard work over the last couple of days, too. We would not be ready for tomorrow in the way that we are without their skill and their diligence.
I am also very thankful to the whole colleague team here for the work they have done in challenging and changing circumstances.
We will communicate with you regarding our plans for the NEU Industrial Action day next Wednesday February 1st tomorrow, now that we have this week's disruption behind us.
I am very mindful of how these two events have juxtaposed themselves, making me even more thankful for yours and everyone's support.
With our best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team