Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your ongoing support today, including with your questions regarding our plan for tomorrow. We completely agree with anyone who is saying that a return to site without knowing the heating will be on is not the way anyone would like it to be. However, having worked today on site ourselves, we know this is achievable for the period of time we have decided on for tomorrow.
That said, if you wish to email us at to inform us that your child will not be in owing to the fact that the heating may well still not be working across the site, we will point them to work set on frog. As we will have the majority of students on site, we will not be able to run live lessons.
We have also wanted to provide you with an update with regards to the work needed to get the gas back on as soon as possible, which we could not do until we were provided with this update ourselves.
We are so pleased to be able to tell you that the maintenance company have actually been able to attend site today rather than tomorrow morning as originally predicted. They have identified the source of the leak and are doing all possible to conclude all of the works to cap it off and make the gas supply 100% safe today.
We do not yet know whether this will quite be possible simply because of the amount of work time left for them; if it is not, the gas will remain off for the entire time that students are on site tomorrow and they will finish making it safe once all students have left site.
If they do conclude the work this afternoon the gas will go back on meaning the heating will begin to radiate from sometime later this evening. We do not know how long this will take to permeate right across the building, but at least we will know that things are back on track. Whether this happens today or tomorrow, or if we encounter any further glitches that move this further to the right, we will inform you.
We hope very much to be writing to you during tomorrow to state that we are business as usual on Thursday but obviously we are in the hands of the maintenance company and the pace at which they can conclude this work.
Thank you for your continued support and patience,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team