Further to the letter sent out by Mrs Dossett on behalf of the school nursing team regarding two separate vaccine programmes they are offering for flu and for Covid (shown below), we recognise that consent for these is a matter for each family’s personal reflection, and we would ask you to pop any questions or queries about either vaccine programme to our local immunisation team on the phone number or email address below:
- Telephone number: 02380 475221
- Email address: Southwesthantsimmunisationteam@southernhealth.nhs.uk
They will be the people able to support you with such queries rather than the school.
With our best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team
Good morning
We have the school nurse team coming in to give the Annual Flu Nasal vaccine on Monday 18th October. In order for your child to have this, you must give consent online, the link is in the attached letter.
On the same day they will also be giving the COVID vaccine for all 12-15 year olds. There will be further details and a paper consent form for this, which we have yet to be sent. As soon as we have it , your child will bring it home for you to complete and return to school.