Dear Parents/Carers
It has been lovely meeting and getting to know all of our new Year 7 students in this start to term. Next week all Year 7 students will have the opportunity to take part in a team building day alongside members of their tutor group and tutor on Friday 24th September.
This is a great event to help foster team spirit within tutor groups and houses. Students should come to school in PE kit shorts or black tracksuit trousers and trainers. The events will go on whatever the weather outside, therefore please ensure your child has a waterproof coat, sweatshirt and sun cream/sunhat dependent on the weather forecast. Students will have break time and lunch in school as normal but it would be a good idea to ensure they have a bottle to refill if required.
The sessions will be led by The Problem Solving Company and the emphasis of the day is on respect for each other, respect for the environment and learning just how much can be achieved when people work together.

We take seriously our responsibility for the safety and welfare of students at all times. Before students take part in activities, we carry out a thorough risk assessment and take all necessary measures to minimise risks, including arranging appropriate levels of supervision by responsible adults. We expect that students involved in the activity will cooperate fully with the arrangements made and follow closely the instructions of the responsible adults throughout the activity. We, therefore, reserve the right to remove any student from the activity during the day.
If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor or me.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Stu Wilkinson
Year Leader, Year 7