Dear Parents and Carers,
As you know, from our previous updates, over the last couple of weeks we have seen a rise in the number of positive PCR cases and wanted to update you about our current status. Year 11 are where our numbers are highest, and as such we have gone to a model for this year group of expecting them to attend Noadswood as normal, however those who are awaiting a PCR or had a confirmed PCR result, have had access to both FROG work and live broadcast lessons. We're glad to report the numbers of Year 11 off has now fallen considerably since last week and continues to fall.
We do also have confirmed cases in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10, though these numbers remain in single figures in each year group.
We have been in contact with Public Health England in Hampshire and with the DfE who are entirely content with the measures we are taking, and by ‘we’ I mean all of you as well as us – we’re grateful to you for the clear information we receive to and the sensible decisions we come to about when your child(ren) need to self-isolate. We also continue to inform about the sensible measures we all can take to reduce the spread of the virus across all settings:

We will keep the numbers of cases in each year group under constant review – and so if your child is self-isolating, work will be made available on FROG; you and your child can also reach out for more detail about this to the year leader email addresses as above, or on ePraise.
We know all this of course continues to be a source of queries and worry for us all, so please don’t hesitate to put a question or thought to us at health@ at any time.
All our best,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team