Thank you for visiting our open events page - we've included some key information about Noadswood and would very much welcome you in joining us for our Open Evening and one of our Open Mornings.
What makes Noadswood terrific?
Is it:
- High quality specialist teachers in specialist facilities, across a rich and varied curriculum?
- Our House System, that celebrates, collaborates and competes in the spirit of excellence for all?
- Our Year Group system, enabling your child to have a Year Leader, Assistant Year Leader and Tutor as their ‘go to’ people for support throughout their journey with us?
- Our drive for the best possible progress for all through research based teaching and learning?
- The way we listen to our students’ ideas for their wellbeing and their community, and bring them all to life?
- Strong academic successes in the last three years across measures, with a super record in Dance, Performing Arts, Poetry, Sport, History, Science and Mathematics. You can find out more about our attainment via:
It's because of ALL of the above but overarching all of this, it's because we are a warm, welcoming school. The Headteacher and the entire staff team are passionate about educational excellence and about sustaining an honest, kind, inclusive community - we are strongly united on our very best days, at challenging times and at all points in between.
We genuinely believe that we are all members of the Noadswood family, committed to each other’s success and wellbeing, and we have modelled this throughout Covid’s challenges and we always will.
We pledge to guarantee all our parents and young people that very special blend of 'terrific' when they choose Noadswood School. Come and visit us to experience this for yourselves.
Year 6 Newsletter
Please check out our year 6 newsletter for more details about how Noadswood will support your child with their moving up journey.
Open Mornings
We have specific dates and times for parents and pupils of specific primary schools below. Parents and students should arrive at Noadswood for 9am, with tours beginning at 9.15am. The primary schools listed below have been informed of these specific dates:
- Tuesday 16th September (sessions 9.15am – 10.45am) *Hythe & Wildground pupils
- Wednesday 17th September (sessions 9.15am – 10.45am) *Orchard pupils
- Thursday 18th September (sessions 9.15am – 10.45am) *Orchard pupils
- Friday 19th September (sessions 9.15am – 10.45am) *Blackfield, Beaulieu & Cadland pupils
- Tuesday 23rd September (sessions 9.15am – 10.45am) *Waterside & Marchwood pupils
- Wednesday 1st October and Thursday 2nd October (sessions 9.15am – 10.45am) *SEND and additional visits sessions.
Open Morning tours will begin at 9.15am (with arrival at 9am) and end at around 10.45am, comprising of a tour of the school with a Year 8 and a Year 11 student, seeing Noadswood exactly as it is. You will also be able to chat with the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher, the senior team, the SENDCO and other key staff. We have suggested the dates to attend, based on primary schools, however if you need to be flexible with these dates we are more than happy to accommodate.
Our Virtual Tour
We made a short tour video during lockdown, alongside the FAQ subject pages and our new website, which we hope will give you a feel for Noadswood and why we are so proud of our students, staff and community.
Our Noadswood Film
We also have our Noadswood film below which gives some further information about us, our values, our supportive culture and everything we are proud of.
You can find more information in our Noadswood prospectus

Thinking of Joining Noadswood?
We are so pleased to be able to welcome you to our Noadswood site - it will be updated regularly and gives you lots of information about Noadswood, the culture of wellbeing and learning we have created and acts as a portal for all of the information a prospective parent and student might want to find. There is a whole-host of information on this site, but do contact us if you have any specific questions that you can't find an answer to and we will arrange a call. We also have a dedicated moving up email address-
We hope the above has been useful and please do browse our website as you'll be able to find so much information such as our curriculum with a FAQ for subjects, our learning support department, all the clubs and activities we have on offer, our prospectus and transition welcome booklet for new Year 6.
We hope you enjoy your visit, and please do get in touch with us for anything you need.