Thank you for continuing to provide information about your children’s health/LFD test outcomes to our email address . Following our liaison with Public Health England today, owing to the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 within one year group at Noadswood in particular, we would appreciate you supporting us by ensuring all students observe all of the following, please:
- If your child is presenting with ANY one of the Covid typical symptoms, please do pay close attention to this, particularly if you are aware of their participating in community gatherings where you know - perhaps better than we do - that someone has tested positive for Covid. It may be that you arrange a PCR test for your child if ever they have such symptoms, unless exempt from testing for any reason, just to rule it out. This will help us to try to curb the spread within the school - we would like to do our all on this to the maximum extent that we can, of course. The flow diagrams to follow if your child has any symptoms are shown further down this page.
- If your child is unwell with these symptoms and you're awaiting a PCR test, we will also authorise absence until that result, even if you wonder if it may be a virus of another kind - better to be sure, and PCR results have been coming through pretty quickly of late. Long may that continue! (The Year Leader team is working hard to ensure remote learning is available to all students well enough at home to complete it.)
- If your child feels able to wear their face coverings in all parts of the school indoor site, unless of course the children are eating and drinking, we would be grateful. As always, we ask you to let us know if your child(ren) are exempt/you do not give consent for them to do this – just drop an email to and there will be no issue about it.
- Finally, please can the children be encouraged to remember to carry out their LFD tests twice weekly? We want to pull together as a community to do all we can to slow down the spread of the virus within our school.
Thank you so much for your continued support – any questions or worries, just send them through to and we will be there for you and your children all the way, and below, please find the flow charts of what to do if any symptoms present.
All our best,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team

Lateral Flow Testing

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PCR Testing