Parent / Carer Letter - 26/11/2020

Safeguarding - 26/11/2020

Dear parents - we've been informed by a member of the public of a suspicious man waiting around Blackdown Close. Members of staff will walk out that way today, but please could you remind your child to be vigilant when walking home and take sensible precautions

  • Make sure they know their address and your telephone number by heart, in case they get lost or have to navigate home from somewhere new.
  • If they have a mobile phone, remind them to fully charge it before leaving the house, and make sure they have all your contact numbers saved.
  • Talk to them about road safety. They should always look both ways before crossing the street, and never be on their phone whilst crossing a road.
  • Remind them never to accept a lift from someone they don’t know, or let a stranger into the house. They should never give personal information away – in real life or online.
  • Remind them that if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any time, they can call you or a trusted adult.
  • If they ever feel like they’re in immediate danger, they should call the police straight away on 999.