Dear Year 6 families,
We are really excited to be welcoming you all to the Noadswood family and wanted to share with you a few important details:
Tutor Groups
We are meetng with your children's year 6 teachers this month and constructing tutor groups. At the end of June you will receive an email confirming your child's house and tutor group.
Our full list of uniform can be found here:

Please note there are several options for purchasing uniform:
- Skool Kit- From Saturday 2nd July until Friday 8th July new Noadswood parents will get 10% off of their uniform purchases for that week.
- Noadswood's Parent Staff Association (PSA) will be hosting a second-hand uniform sale on Tuesday 5thJuly 3.15-4.15 at Noadswood, please do pop on down.
- We’re extremely mindful of the cost of living increases coming on top of all of the other challenges of the past two years. If you have any financial concerns regarding the of our uniform please email and we will try our very best to help.
- If anything regarding our uniform is unclear please email Dan Rowling, our Assistant Headteacher who will happily answer any queries -
Important note: We'd be grateful for parents and carers pausing on the purchase of PE kit until further notice whilst we resolve a stock and supply issue. We apoologise for any inconvenience this causes and please be assured its a top priority to resolve.
Moving Up Days
All pupils will be joining us for two 'Moving Up days.' - we cannot wait to welcome you!
When are the 'Moving Up' days?
Thursday 7th and Friday 8th July- All pupils will join us on this day with the exception of Wildground pupils who will join us on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th July owing to their residential.
What time should my child arrive?
We ask that pupils are in our school hall by 8.40 am. If you intend to drop your child to school, there is only limited access to the school site and so we ask that you park considerately for our neighbours. Members of Noadswood staff will be waiting at our main school gate with a friendly smile, ready to welcome your child and to help navigate them to our school hall.
What will my child be doing?
The 'Moving Up' days are a wonderful opportunity to get to know our school. They will be welcomed by our Headteacher and senior team, as well as their heads of year and their tutor. We will be helping your child to get know our school, they will experience lessons and inspirational talks throughout the two days.
What should my child wear?
We ask that pupils arrive in the school uniform that they wear at their current school. We ask that pupils wear trainers as some of the activities will involve PE.
What do they need to bring?
- A packed lunch please, as year 6 pupils will not yet be set up on our system to purchase food. Please note if your child is in receipt of a free school meal, Noadswood will provide this. (Please note we ae a nut free school so please do not pack nut products.)
- A snack
- A water bottle (This can be re-filled at lunch and break)
- Their pencil case
What time should I pick my child up?
Please arrange a meeting place with your child as parents will not be allowed on school site, we will walk year 6 off site to our gates at 2.50.
What happens if my child has a medical condition?
Our school nurse, Jean Cookson will be contacting families with serious medical condition prior to our 'Moving Up' days. If you have a specific concern, please do email Jean directly at and she will arrange a mutually convenient time to talk to you. On the day, if your child has medication, they need to bring this in a clearly labelled bag that they keep with them throughout the two days. Please also do ensure you've logged onto Arbor from the links we have sent and begin populating any medical conditions.
My child has a SEND need, how will they be supported?
Our SENDCo Liz Hyland is meeting with all schools this month so that we are aware of any specific needs. We will ensure that your child ha the appropriate support needed to help them have a fantastic first few days at school. If you have any specific requests, please do email and she will be happy to arrange a time to discuss any concerns. If your child attends Redwood, Chris West will be in contact to discuss what your child's day will look like.
Transition Evening - Wednesday 6th July 6-7 pm.
This will take place in our school hall, please don't worry if you don't know where this is, we'll have plenty of staff on hand to direct you. This is designed for parents and carers only. It is an opportunity for you to meet our Headteacher, Kathryn Marshall, the transition team and your child's head of year 7. On this evening we will detail all of our exciting plans to help your child have the best possible start to secondary school, as well as providing you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Do bring cash as our mighty PSA will be on hand to sell drinks. Prior to attending this please do check out our welcome booklet

And our dedicated 'Moving Up' webpage which we hope will answer many of the questions you may have:
Please do look out for out Arbor email to get you logged onto our system, and begin populating it with consents, permissions, medical information and contact details. Thank you to everyone who has done this so far. If you haven't received an invite, please do contact us via
Summer Camp
All families who have signed up have received an email confirming their child's place. Do check your junk and spam boxes for any emails that may have found their way there. If you have any specific questions please do contact our dedicated movingup email and we'd be only too happy to assist. We have a super few days planned full of fun filled activities, designed to really help us get to know your child. A few families have contacted us to say that they have missed our earlier communications, the link to sign up is below (click here):

We must ask that anyone who hasn't, does so by Wednesday 15th June. This is so we can ensure we have all the staffing and supplies that we need to ensure this event runs smoothly!
Day Trips and Residentials
We are also busy planning a team building day for September for your children- this is a free event for all pupils. Its something as a school that we pay for and its a wonderful opportunity opportunity to further get to know your child. We'll let you know more nearer the time, but its fantastic, action packed day. We will also be in contact at the start of September, regarding a 3 day residential in July 2023. We're super excited about this and will give you further details in September so that families who would like to attend have maximum notice for their family calendars.
If you have any questions please do email In gthe meantime, we wish you all a wonderful weekend,
Best wishes,
Eddie Rollett
Assistant Headteacher and Transition Lead